🔥 Mobile App with Firebase 🔥 [FREE course launch]

Hello Reader!

Rafid Hoda here :) I'm the latest addition to the teacher team at Scrimba!

I want to tell you about my new FREE course called:

Build a Mobile App with Firebase

But first, since you probably don't know me, let me quickly introduce myself:

  1. I'm 32 years old. I was born in India and grew up in Norway.
  2. I've loved the computer ever since I started using it as a young kid.
  3. I'm a huge fan of Bollywood movies.

Here's a picture my wife took of me while I was working on this course:

Alrighty, moving onto the course...

What is it about?

As the name suggests, we'll build a mobile app using a real-time database called Firebase ❤️‍🔥

What will I build?

In this course, you'll build a cute shopping list app. Fun fact: I built it for me and my wife last year. We were having trouble keeping track of what grocery items we needed to get from the store, so I built this little app to solve the problem! ✨

Now, whenever we see that we're out of milk (or anything else) we just add it to the app. Then, when you find yourself at the grocery store, you just open up the app and EVERYTHING IS THERE! 😺

When you've gone through the course and built your own version of the app, I'm sure that it will be just as helpful for you :)

What will I learn?

The course covers a ton of topics. By the end, you'll be in the know about all this, and more!

🔥 Import

🔥 Firebase: initializeApp

🔥 Firebase: getDatabase

🔥 Firebase: reference

🔥 Firebase: push

🔥 Firebase: onValue

🔥 Firebase: snapshot

🔥 Firebase: remove

🔥 IDs

🔥 Object → Array

🔥 createElement

🔥 Flexbox: flex-wrap

🔥 Flexbox: gap

🔥 user-select

🔥 Setting the viewport

🔥 Favicon

🔥 Web Application Manifest

Share the love ❤️‍🔥

The best things in life are shared. If you'd like to help us share the course, please retweet our launch tweet! 🐤

As a thank you, I'll pick two winners who'll get a free annual Scrimba subscription (worth $200 each) on Monday 🎁


❓ What is Firebase?

Technically, Firebase is many things, but for us, Firebase is a real-time database. If you want to create proper apps, then you must have a place to store your data - a place that can be accessed from any device and browser. Firebase is exactly that.

❓ Why use Firebase?

Here are my reasons:

  1. 😃 Super easy to use: Perfect for beginners
  2. ⏱️ Updates in real time: This is magical when you witness it
  3. 💰 Free to use: Need I say more?

❓ Now what about the "mobile app" part?

What we'll build is not *technically* a native mobile app. It's a web app disguised as a mobile app. The fancy word for it is a PWA (Progressive Web App).

For a simple app like this, it's easy to make it look and feel exactly like a mobile app. We'll even be able to put it on our home screens - both iOS and Android.

We'll do this in an elegant way using a special technique that I'll cover in the course. It's so easy that it's kind of unbelievable.

Again, the course is 100% free. Which is kind of crazy if you ask me.

After you've gone through the course, I would love to hear your feedback! You can either email me at rafid@scrimba.com (reply to this email) or tweet at me or DM me at @rafidhoda.

All the best 🙌

Rafid Hoda

Teacher at Scrimba


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